Termination of investment project

a) Implementation order:

- Step 1: Investor submits records of termination to Department of Planning and Investment.

- Step 2: Department of Planning and Investment receives records and recogizes the termination of investment project.

b) Implementation method:

- Submit documents: directly at the Division of receiving and returning results (in the head office of the Department of Planning and Investment in Hung Yen province); or through the postal system.

- Receive results: directly at the Division of receiving and returning results (in the head office of the Department of Planning and Investment in Hung Yen province); or through the postal system.

c) Documents:

a) Documents, including:

- Where the termination of investment project by themselves as defined in Point a Clause 1 of Article 48 of Investment Law:

+ Decision on termination of investment project (together with the minutes of meeting of Board of Members/ Board of Directors/ General Assembly of Shareholders/ general partner/ company owner on the termination of investment project);

+ Investment registration certificate (if any) (attached with Enterprise registration certificate; Investment registration certificate/Decision on Investment Policy/Investment certificate/Investment license/Business license (for documents of foreign organizations, they must be legalized; documents in foreign language must be translated into Vietnamese, certified by organizations with function of translation);

- Where the termination of investment project under the conditions stipulated in the contract, business charter or expiry of investment project (as defined in Point b and c, Clause 1 of Article 48 of the Investment Law):

+ Notice of the investor on the termination of operation (together with the minutes of meeting of Board of Members/ Board of Directors/ General Assembly of Shareholders /Board of Members/ Owner on the termination of the investment project implementation);

+ Investment registration certificate (if any) (attached with Enterprise registration certificate; Investment registration certificate/Decision on Investment Policy/Investment certificate/Investment license/Business license (for documents of foreign organizations, they must be legalized; documents in foreign language must be translated into Vietnamese, certified by organizations with function of translation);

+ Charter or contract in case the charter or contract recognizes the termination of investment project.

(attached with Report on the implementation of investment project to the time of termination)

* Remarks: Individuals/ organizations implementing administrative procedures may submit the copy from the original, certified copy or copy not certified and the original for comparison.

d) Number of documents:

02 sets (01 original set)

đ) Time limit for settlement:

As soon as submission of the investor

e) Implementing agency:

- Agency directly implementing administrative procedures: Department of Planning and Investment in Hung Yen province;

- Coordinating agency: relevant departments, lines.

g) Subjects implementing administrative procedures:

Investor (individual and organization) owning the investment project terminated falling into one of the following cases:

+ Investor decides to terminate the investment project;

+ Termination of investment project under the business charter, contract;

+ Project expired.

h) Results of administrative procedures:

Receiving records on termination of investment project.

i) Fees:


k) Name of form, declaration:

A written notice of termination of investment project under Form I.11 issued together with Circular No. 16/2015/BKHDT;

- Report on investment project implementation under Form I.8 issued together with Circular No. 16/2015/BKHDT.

l) Requirements and conditions for procedure implementation:

There is a valid record.

m) Legal basis of administrative procedures:

- Investment Law No. 67/2014/QH13 dated 26/11/2014;

- Decree No. 118/2015/ND-CP dated 12/11/2015 of the Government detailing and guiding the implementation of some articles of the Investment Law;

- Circular No. 16/2015/TT-BKHDT dated 18/11/2015 the Ministry of Planning and Investment providing the form of investment procedures and investment report in Vietnam.

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