Notice on continuation of business ahead of schedule

a) Implementation order:

·        The company sends the notice to the business registration office where the enterprise has registered at least 15 days before continuing the business ahead of schedule.

·        The Business registration office sends a receipt to the company after receiving the notice on continuation of business before deadline announced of the company. Within 03 working days from the date of receiving valid documents, the business registration office shall issue Certificate of business resumption registration ahead of schedule of the company/ Certificate of business resumption registration ahead of schedule of branch / representative office / place of business.

b) Implementation method: Founders or authorized representatives submit enterprise registration documents defined in the business registration office where the company has registered the head office or submit enterprise registration documents via internet.

c) Documents, including:

·        Notice on suspension of business/ continuation of business ahead of schedule/ branch/ representative office/ place of business;

·        For company issued investment license, investment certificate or documents with equivalent legal value, in addition to the above documents, the company has to submit: A valid copy of the investment certificate ; A valid copy of tax registration certificate; Request for supplementing and updating business registration information specified in Annex II-18 Circular No. 20/2015/TT-BKHDT.

d) Number of documents: 01 set.

đ) Time limit for settlement: Within 03 (three) working days, after receipt of full valid documents.

e) Implementing agency: Business Registration Office - Department of Planning and Investment.

g) Subjects of administrative procedures: Individuals, organizations.

h) Results of administrative procedures: The certificate of business resumption registration ahead of schedule of the company/ Certificate of business resumption registration ahead of schedule of branch / representative office / place of business

i) Fees:

k) Name of form, declaration:

·        Notice on suspension of business/ continuation of business ahead of schedule/ branch/ representative office/ place of business (Annex II-21, Circular No. 20/2015/TT-BKHĐT).

·        Request for supplementing and updating business registration information for company issued investment license, investment certificate (Annex II-18, Circular No. 20/2015/TT-BKHDT).

l) Requirements and conditions for procedure implementation: Submiting the Notice to business registration agency at least 15 days before continuing the business ahead of schedule.

m) Legal basis of administrative procedures:

·        The Enterprise Law of the Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam No. 68/2014/QH13 dated 26/11/2014 (The Enterprise Law);

·        Decree No. 78/2015/ND-CP dated 14/9/2015 of the Government on enterprise registration (Decree No. 78/2015/ND-CP);

·        Circular No. 20/2015/TT-BKHDT dated 01/12/2015 of the Ministry of Planning and Investment guiding the enterprise registration (Circular No. 20/2015/TT-BKHDT);

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Trung tâm Xúc tiến Đầu tư và Hỗ trợ Doanh nghiệp 

Địa chỉ: Số 8, đường Chùa Chuông, phường Hiến Nam, thành phố Hưng Yên, tỉnh Hưng Yên

Điện thoại: (0221) 3524 666 


Giấy phép số: 29/GP-TTĐT của Sở Thông tin và Truyền thông ngày 21 tháng 8 năm 2019 

Chịu trách nhiệm nội dung: ông Phạm Đức Hòa  – Phó Giám đốc phụ trách điều hành

Điện thoại: 0986 009 559

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